Award-Winning Temp°store Impresses Local MP
Ben Everitt, MP for Milton Keynes North, visited Dawsongroup’s Head Office last week to find out about our award-winning Temp°store 10 from Dawsongroup | temperature control solutions.
As our local MP, Ben has an interest in seeing what businesses in his constituency are achieving. Dawsongroup was recently the recipient of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Innovation for the portable, inflatable Temp°store, which is exactly what Ben wanted to learn more about.
Temp°store was created by combining inflatable structure technology with temperature-controlled storage capability by the team at Tectoniks, Dawsongroup’s specialist inflatables company. It enables rapid deployment in instances such as humanitarian aid where the cold storage of vaccines is critical, and its temporary nature also enables implementation when a solution is required quickly as it negates the need for planning permission.
One of many that have been ordered by the World Food Programme, this particular Temp°store was being tested before being sent to Mozambique. Steve Miller, Dawsongroup CEO, explained to Ben how the temperature-controlled, inflatable building incorporates a unique integrated floor and packaging solution whilst they watched it deploy in under an hour.
Ben thought it was brilliant to meet the team at Dawsongroup and said that the inflatable Temp°store design has fantastic capabilities for disaster relief and aid projects.
“We are thrilled to have received the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category” said Steve, “and to have received a visit from Milton Keynes (North) Member of Parliament, Ben Everitt, who was very impressed with the Temp°store 10 and its capabilities. Ben comes from a farming background, so he immediately saw the wide benefits our inflatable products can deliver.”
Find out more about our Queen’s Award-winning Temp°store from Dawsongroup | temperature control solutions.
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Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)