What we do

Managed efficiently, the assets in your organisation earn you money every working hour of every day, throughout the seasonal peaks and troughs of your business, exactly like your workforce.
An idle asset is a drain on your revenue just like idle staff; reducing asset sick days is the ideal strategy for an efficient company.
Unlike the people in your business, an asset’s highest value day is its first day. It doesn’t grow in experience; its diminishing residual value, cost of upkeep, compliance and maintenance all increase with time. Just like your teams that you never own, you don’t need to own your assets.

Indeed, the smartest, lowest-risk way you can run your hardware is how we work with you. Talk to us to find out how truly agile your organisation could be!
We have the secret elixir of flexible, cost-effective assets that only earn for your business with the absolute minimum risk. To find out more, ask Dawsons…
…How to grow and change your business risk-free?
…About making your business agile?
…How to preserve your capital?
…Why smarter assets transform your business?
…How a fully serviced asset saves you money?
…About a risk-free transition to net zero?
…How your assets can earn, not cost?
…About solutions you didn’t know you needed?
…How to avoid ‘capital punishment’?
…Why usership surpasses ownership?
UK Head office
Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)