Behind the Scenes: The South Heads of Sales and Operations
The last decade has been a time of impressive growth for Dawsongroup vans and nowhere has this been more apparent than in the South region. Anita Samuelson, Head of Operations for the South, and Dave Collins, Head of Sales for the South, have had a front row seat to this development, combining their years of experience and passion for the future of Dawsongroup vans to push the business into exciting new territory.
An Unprecedented Expansion
When Anita started working at Dawsongroup in 2014 as Branch Manager, the Dawsongroup vans site in Ipswich had just opened, and the small team shared its premises with Dawsongroup truck and trailer. Since then, the presence of Dawsongroup vans has expanded in the South of the UK, with a new, large branch opening in Heathrow, and a team moving into Dawsongroup’s supersite in Avonmouth. Anita’s decades of industry experience have been invaluable throughout this development, especially since she stepped into the role of Head of Operations for the South Region.
Dave joined the team not long after, in 2017, as a regional sales manager. Having worked within the rental industry since 1988, he had built up a reputation for creating exceptional sales teams, making him the perfect fit for the business. Under the careful guidance of both Anita and David, the South Region has grown, and it now spans from Ipswich to Cardiff and operates over two thousand vans.
The smooth and reliable operation of such a large fleet makes the South a busy region, and both Dave and Anita wear many hats to keep the business moving efficiently. Whether they’re visiting their sites, consulting branch managers or reaching out to customers, the pair support their respective teams, keeping them motivated to take on new challenges. Recently, their key focus has been getting customers into newer, more reliable vehicles and easing the transition to electric vehicles.
A Customer Focused Approach
Both Dave and Anita agree that the success of their team has come from the prioritisation of their customers. Customer focused problem-solving solutions are the foundation of the team’s reputation for excellent service and reliability.
“It is great to give our customers what is best for their business,” said Dave, “We don’t just push what we have in stock on them, we work closely together to find the right solution for their business. I think that the secret behind our success is that our team really believes in the Smarter Asset Strategy and our enthusiasm is infectious!”
Dawsongroup’s Smarter Asset Strategy is a unique way to think about and manage assets. It’s an intelligent approach that enables businesses to expand and meet their customers’ needs in a way that minimises costs, protects capital, and maintains flexibility and agility. It prioritises our customers’ needs by utilising usership over ownership and has enabled the team at Dawsongroup vans to produce excellent results which speak for themselves.
While the South region has expanded, the team has always maintained a ‘small business’ culture, ensuring that customers really get to know the people working on their account. The consistency and reliability Dawsongroup vans offers makes them the first choice when customers need a rapid solution. “Each branch within the region runs their own operations including all servicing and maintenance requirements,” said Anita. “This consistency is fantastic for customers, who get to know the local team better over the years and gain a better understanding of how we work. They can pick up the phone to us and they know who they’re going to speak to. We’re on a first name basis with our customers and that’s invaluable.”
Looking to the Future
Both Anita and Dave are excited to see what the future has in store for Dawsongroup vans’ South region sales and operations. Their ambition is to continue to build on the growth they’ve seen so far, ensuring that it remains manageable and sustainable. The continued integration of electric vehicles into the fleet is of particular interest to them both, especially as the decarbonisation targets are rapidly approaching.
When he’s not at work, Dave enjoys time outdoors on the golf course with his friends. He’s also an avid snowboarder and he’s hoping to take his family out to the slopes this year. Anita also enjoys time outside but at a more sedate pace, with her faithful Spanish Water Dog cross, Johnny. Long walks and picnics with friends are on Anita’s list for a perfect day.
Contact Dawsongroup vans for more information about switching to electric vehicles or find out more about our Smarter Asset Strategy.
If you want to find out more about the solutions Dawsongroup can provide for your business, request a free consultation with a Dawsongroup expert by completing the contact form below.
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Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)