Challenges Bring Opportunities for Test Chambers
Dawsongroup TCS Test Chambers provide a flexible solution to COVID travel restrictions.
The hope of any business in a challenging business environment is that it will bring new opportunities. Due to the COVID travel restrictions, many of our customers are unable to travel to hot and cold countries which has resulted in an upturn in enquiries for our Test Chambers.
One such sector is in Motor Vehicles where we offer climactic testing facilities, known in the trade as ‘soak test’ facilities, and these are used to replicate weather / climate conditions for the three main global specifications of vehicle.
- Arctic or cold climate specification
- Gulf specification
- European specification
Find out more about the different specifications of vehicle and the challenges currently being faced by companies here. For more information about how Dawsongroup | TCS can save you money by providing test chambers and a range of temperature control solutions, contact us for a free consultation.
UK Head office
Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)