Chips With Everything – Don’t Let the Worldwide Shortage of Microchips Beat Your Business!
Microchips are an integral part of any modern truck and they’ve become increasingly dependent on them.
Chips operate like parts of a brain, communicating with other component parts to control anything and everything from digital displays and cameras to automatic transmission and emergency braking.
They are manufactured in dedicated and highly specialised factories, under very clean and controlled conditions. Demand often outstrips supply at the best of times.
Even small delays or slight interruptions to either the manufacturing process or supply chain can lead to large backlogs of orders. Over the past year or so, the manufacture of chips has been thrown into confusion and hit hard like never before.
Many factors have added to the issues in microchip manufacturing, including the global pandemic, storms, fires and demand from different sectors. Find out more about how Dawsongroup | truck and trailer are dealing with the shortage of microchips to ensure your business keeps running smoothly here.
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