Dawsongroup emc: Celebrating Growth in 2022
2022 has been an incredibly strong year for Dawsongroup emc, and we are celebrating our growth over the last year whilst looking forward to the challenges and opportunities 2023 will hold. From our rebrand earlier this year to the ongoing expansion of our fleet portfolio, we have celebrated many milestones over the past 12 months whilst keeping our customers safe and on the road.
We started the year with alternative fuels front of mind, with the launch of our first range of zero emission electric road sweepers. The multi-million-pound investment saw the addition of the Lynx Charge compact sweeper and the Bucher MaxPowa V65e truck mounted sweeper to our fleet. Both vehicles boast significant green credentials, without compromising on first-class performance. Since then, we have added the eWhale 18T medium volume tanker to our electric fleet, with plans to expand further in the future.
2022 also saw further diversification of our ever-growing fleet. As we expanded into new markets, we added the most innovative vehicles. From our suction excavator launch, which featured the first RSP suction excavator on a Volvo FMX chassis, to our state-of-the-art L-cab MVC’s, we remained committed to bringing the most prestigious machines to a wide range of industries.
It was this fleet diversification that led us to our recent rebrand – Dawsongroup emc.
Since Dawsongroup acquired the sweeper business in 2005, we have worked hard to secure the position as the UK’s number one supplier of premium municipal vehicles. It’s safe to say that we have grown beyond our roots.
Today, we offer a prestigious fleet of municipal, industrial and specialist vehicles to public and private sector companies. Our extensive range includes sweepers, tipper grabs, gully tankers, RCVs, hotboxes, tippers and caged tippers, suction excavators, hook loaders and more.
As we gear up to expand even further in 2023, with new launches in the pipeline, we were delighted to unveil our new name which we feel perfectly reflects our growth story so far and where we are headed in the future.
Read more about Dawsongroup emc’s highlights of 2022 and our plans for 2023.
Contact Dawsongroup emc to find out how we can keep you operational and on the road during these challenging times. For maximum flexibility with minimum risk, our Smarter Asset Strategy can provide your business with solutions you never knew you needed.
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Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)