Dawsongroup truck and trailer Wins National Highways Road Safety Award
Dawsongroup truck and trailer recently won an award for their exceptional contribution to road safety following their support of National Highways’ Operation Tramline.
Launched in 2015, Operation Tramline is all about making England’s 4,300 miles of main roads safer. It’s part of a campaign to change driver behaviour and significantly reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured.
Dawsongroup truck and trailer provide three highly specified, unmarked, white tractor units – each with an elevated cab. These trucks have disabled speed limiters, a 360-degree high-definition enforcement camera system, and a jockey passenger seat.
National Highways loans the trucks to police forces across England – 35 so far – to help tackle illegal and unsafe driving. They allow officers to get behind the wheel and patrol the country’s roads with a bird’s eye view – seeing into vehicles and filming offences.
Operation Tramline acts as a deterrent and, implemented in a visible way often promoting where the tractor units are operating, it quickly spreads the word among drivers. It sends a clear road safety message, reduces offences and, ultimately, saves lives.
The team at truck and trailer have supported Operation Tramline for six years (since 2017). In addition to the current three tractor units, they provided modified trucks on an ad-hoc basis for specific single and joint force campaigns – involving up to seven police forces at the same time. Major operations on the motorway network included one on the M1, where they provided the operating base at our head office in Milton Keynes.
As part of its support, truck and trailer now also supply driver training for the police forces operating the vehicles.
The National Highways Awards recognise successful partnerships and the award for exceptional supplier contribution was presented to Scott Neill (truck and trailer General Manager – Contracts) on the National Highways stand at this year’s Commercial Vehicle Show.
Read more about Dawsongroup truck and trailer’s National Highways Award here.
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Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)