De-Risking Fleet Ownership
Fleet ownership can be costly, and the expense continues beyond the initial purchase. De-risking fleet ownership ensures your costs are kept to a minimum, whilst allowing your business the agility and flexibility to thrive.
From breakdowns and repairs to regular servicing and maintenance, owning your own specialist vehicles requires a financial commitment for the lifetime of the equipment.
Safeguarding your investment, and your fleet, through rental can significantly de-risk ownership. The benefits of rental include:
- The agility to change
- Access to quality vehicles
- Operational excellence
- Maintaining your fleet
- Regular reviews
Find out more about Dawsongroup | sweepers and their advice on de-risking fleet ownership here.
UK Head office
Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)