HGV MOT Pass Rates
Safety always comes first! That’s our mantra.
So it was encouraging to hear Chris Yarsley, senior policy manager at Logistics UK, report at his organisation’s recent Transport Manager conference that national pass rates at HGV MOT annual tests had improved in the last year.
Apparently, they now stand at 92% for trucks.
In an industry that all-too-often finds itself attracting unwarranted criticism from government and public alike, it is important for high-profile organisations like Logistics UK to fly the flag for things like vehicle maintenance safety.
It’s long been a key factor at Dawsongroup truck and trailer, where our MOT First Time Pass Rates currently stand at 98.47%!
Our pass rates are something that our engineering services team are rightly proud of, which in turn gives our customers high levels of confidence in the vehicles they contract hire, lease or rent from us.
Three cost-effective options – one very high set of standards.
Insights provided by Peter Snowden, Engineering Director for Dawsongroup truck and trailer
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MK15 8JH

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