Meet Fluctuations in Demand with No Waste
Dawsongroup tcs understands the challenges food manufacturers face when trying to ensure the correct amount is produced to meet fluctuations in demand and has a unique solution that companies may not have considered.
Food manufacturers face constant uncertainty when it comes to orders for next-day delivery. With final quantities only requested at the end of the day, it is too late to change the amount being produced. It is impossible for the manufacturer to accurately predict how much will be needed, and it is essential that enough is produced to fulfil the order. Underproduction means overtime and long hours to fill the order and keep the business, whilst overproduction leads to food wastage, both of which increase production costs and reduce profits.
A morning goods supplier for a well-known supermarket contacted Dawsongroup tcs for a solution to this problem – and tcs delivered within weeks.
The solution was to blast freeze any excess products which are then held in a cold store until they are needed. When the customer needs more than has been produced on the day, the stored frozen goods are tempered to make up the rest of the order. With very strict regulations on the quality of the products provided, tcs had to prove to the supermarket’s Food Product Technologist Team that freezing then tempering the product at a later date had no adverse effect on quality, which they demonstrated perfectly.
Dawsongroup tcs provided the customer with a blast freezer and tempering combination unit as well as a cold store. This enabled the customer to operate six days a week with a fixed production output, ensuring that every order could be filled with no wastage and no more excess hours. Costs were significantly reduced, and efficiency and profits were maximised.
The blast freezing and tempering facilities increased the company’s flexibility to accommodate any changing demands now and in the future, and have ensured that the company can consistently fulfil their contracts whilst also providing them with new business opportunities, as they can now offer frozen products as well as fresh ones.
“We work very closely with food manufacturers which gives us insight into the challenges they face,” said Kurtis Osborne, Head of Lead Generation for Dawsongroup tcs. “The solutions we provide enable customers to adapt to changing demands, reducing costs significantly and, as an added bonus, they also gain the ability to offer frozen products. It’s a definite win-win for all parties.”
To enable more companies to accommodate changing demands without waste or losing profits, Dawsongroup tcs is offering new customers a zero-commitment three-month blast freezer trial with a 50% discount on our standard hire tariff and delivery.
Contact Dawsongroup tcs today to arrange a free consultation and find out how Dawsongroup’s Smarter Asset Strategy can provide bespoke solutions for your business.
To find out how Dawsongroup can support your business, request a free consultation with a Dawsongroup expert by completing the contact form below.
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MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)