Merger Between British Electric Truck Builder Tevva and ElectraMeccanica in the US
Matt Watson, Head of Fleet for Dawsongroup truck and trailer, shares his thoughts on the merger between Tevva and ElectraMeccanica, as well as the national move towards electric vehicles and a more sustainable logistics network.
“As we edge slowly closer to the moment when operators start to make decisions on the ‘No Emissions’ 2035 deadline, it’s disappointing to see the merger between British electric truck builder Tevva and ElectraMeccanica in the US fall through.
“Now, we have the equally unwelcome news of Volta Trucks filing for bankruptcy in Sweden and administration in England. Volta’s problems apparently triggered by the demise of its battery supplier – itself a blow to the development of electric powered trucks. Elsewhere, in China, electric vehicle manufacturers are considering consolidation in the face of increasingly fragile world markets.
“In the meantime, Dawsongroup is taking a number of a major manufacturer’s electric rigids to enable our customers to trial the technology through contract hire, leasing or rental options.
“Our view, that while there might be an easing of the Government deadline for HGVs following the five-year extension to 2035 for vans and passenger cars, early hands-on experience is always valuable for operators.”
If you have any questions about the development of electric vehicles, then get in touch with our team today. As one of the UK leading fleet providers on contract hire, we’re committed to providing quality solutions for all your truck and trailer needs, whatever the future might hold for electric vehicles. With more than forty-five years of experience working in the industry, we are confident that we will find the perfect solution for you.
Visit Dawsongroup truck and trailer to find out more about how our team can support your business with our Smarter Asset Strategy solutions.
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