When the Covid-19 vaccine is ready, Will you be ready for the pressure of delivery?
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, pharmaceutical manufacturers have been striving to develop a viable vaccine. The impact of this global pandemic means the whole world awaits, with great anticipation, to start the process of saving lives and returning society and our economy to some sort of normality.

As potentially successful vaccine candidates advance through Phase 3 trials, the expectation is high for a solution to be rolled out. We understand the pressure is on government and healthcare providers to deliver mass vaccination to the population as rapidly as possible, whilst mitigating risks in infection control and delivering every end-user a vaccine in faultless condition.
Over the last 30 years, Dawsongroup TCS has been providing modular temperature control solutions for rapid deployment. We have worked with and developed our solutions to meet the strict demands of the MHRA, Pharma manufacturers, distributors, global aid organisations and the NHS.
Our solutions are primed and ready to help with the speedy rollout of the Covid vaccine, from storing the vaccine at point of manufacture, at distribution hubs and pop up vaccination centres, our dedicated efficient temperature control solutions give every assurance that product integrity is maintained.
It is already clear from the imminent demand the role of solutions, like pop up vaccination centres, will become critical. Our modular vaccination centres will provide the government with a flexible option to provide capacity and meet demand. Importantly, our solution reduces contact with vulnerable hospital patients, can reach remote areas, increase the throughput of patients while maintaining social distances in a facility specifically designed for the task.
A scalable, rentable solution, on-site in a matter of weeks and demounted or relocated when required. With optional support from our family of businesses, which can provide light and heavy commercial temperature-controlled vehicles, material handling equipment and passenger vehicles.
“TCS offer speed and flexibility in uncertain times, the future is modular and we work with you to find the right solution to improve your business”
If you would like to find out more please email us
By Rob McCurrach – Pharmaceutical Specialist and Special Projects Manager
UK Head office
Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)