Supermarkets Reintroducing Charges Over Breaches in Delivery Standards
A recent article published in The Grocer has announced the intentions of one high-end supermarket chain to reintroduce penalty charges for suppliers that breach their delivery standards – and other supermarkets are likely to follow by reintroducing those same charges. These standards are commonplace in the industry and play a vital role in safeguarding product availability, quality, and safety. During the Covid pandemic and its aftermath, many supermarkets suspended their penalties as it was important for everyone to support the industry whilst suppliers worked to meet demand.
As we move into 2024, supermarkets want to end the uncertainty caused by standard violations, including issues with late deliveries, improperly documented shipments, and short minimum life of receipt (MLOR). As a result, this particular supermarket has chosen to introduce penalty charges, with others likely to follow suit.
“We are confident the charges we are reintroducing will be fair and proportionate,” said a spokesperson on behalf of the supermarket. “But we have an honest and open relationship with our suppliers who are encouraged to raise any concerns.”
For suppliers across the country, this change in policy could be a concern. However, with support from our team at Dawsongroup TCS, the required standards can easily be met.
Find Confidence with Dawsongroup Solutions
As an industry leader with decades of experience, Dawsongroup TCS offers tailored solutions to streamline your processes, improve your efficiencies, and maximise your shelf life. We understand the pressure points of the industry, from packaging and loading, freezer burn, and moisture on the film, to the importance of cycle times and process flow for productivity. Our blast freezers, chillers, and tempering solutions are ideal for customers, enabling them to meet standards with confidence.
Our award-winning solutions begin with a free consultation which gives us the information we need and you the peace of mind that we fully understand your requirements. Our ultimate aim is to provide you with a solution that will facilitate the supplying of quality products to your customers, on time, correctly documented, and with the right MLOR.
Don’t get caught out by easily avoided charges in 2024. Contact us today to arrange for a free product trial, conducted at our site in Sutton-in-Ashford, and find out how our solutions can transform your business.
Contact Dawsongroup tcs for a free consultation and make sure you are prepared for supermarkets reintroducing charges. Find out more about Dawsongroup’s Smarter Asset Strategy.
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