The Breakdown of Net Zero – Part 2
Are We on The Right Track?
Reaching the net zero goals set out by the government has proven to be a rather tricky feat. Despite the support and options available for small businesses, some are still refraining from making the move because of a variety of challenges, outlined in part one of our blog, here.
What Has Taken Us Off Route?
With financial pressures, infrastructure challenges and having to adjust to an entirely new type of vehicle, there are a number of things holding businesses back from making this decision.
This has only gotten worse with the delay announcements on matters such as the ban of new diesel cars being produced and the uncertainty surrounding the new Zero Emissions Mandate, which was supposed to be implemented at the start of 2024.
With this lack of consistency from the government, businesses have been left to fend for themselves, dealing with their own worries on top of the concern that the government will no longer be backing their own goals.
Are We Going to Make It?
There is no clear answer as to whether or not the UK would be able to reach the net zero goals, especially since things have taken such a sharp U-turn. However, if there is one thing that industry professionals can agree on, it’s that we are so far behind the goals set that it is incredibly unlikely we will reach them on time.
But, there is always the possibility of change. Especially with the considerable push towards going green and being environmentally friendly as of late – a trend that is not just popular with business assets, but the general population too.
The Society of Motor Manufacturing and Traders (SMMT) has recently revealed promising statistics showing that a new EV was registered every 60 seconds in summer 2023, meaning the demand for EVs is still there.
Keep reading to find out more about how Dawsongroup finance can help you overcome the breakdown of Net Zero goals.
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