Why Rental is the Right Decision for Your Temperature Control Assets!
Rental is the right decision for your temperature control assets. Rod Benham, Dawsongroup Temperature Control Solutions Managing Director, explains why.
“Never during my 36 years on working in the asset rental sector has that statement ever been truer than now,” says Benham.
2020 is over, we have an EU trade deal and the Covid vaccine roll out has started, but the pandemic is not over. Yes, people must eat, so the food sector is quite correctly deemed essential and business has gone on, with retail booming, but will 2021 be any better?
For those in non-retail, whether food service or hospitality, it’s not simply when will things return to normal but how much will return, and business models must evolve and will continue to have to in the coming year.
Find out more about Dawsongroup Temperature Control Solutions and the unique rental solution they provide here.

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