Winter-proofing Your Fleet
The winter season brings a whole host of challenging weather conditions. From autumnal leaf debris to snowy and icy roads, local authorities face numerous hurdles when it comes to keeping the streets clean throughout winter. Winter-proofing your fleet is essential to keep costs and downtime to a minimum.
This is why having the right machines in your fleet, and making sure they are ready for the unpredictable weather conditions ahead, is crucial to efficient municipal operations.
From servicing and maintenance to upskilling your drivers to manage dangerous driving conditions, click on each heading to find out our top tips for winter-proofing your fleet and keeping you safe and on the road this winter.
Keep servicing and maintenance up to date
To find out more about Dawsongroup | sweepers and their advice on staying safe and efficient in the winter, visit the website here.
UK Head office
Delaware Drive
Milton Keynes
MK15 8JH

Dawsongroup plc | Company reg. no. 01902154 (registered in England and Wales)